Online Courses

Invest In Your Nonprofit Board Members And Executive Leadership Team’s Success

Who Will Benefit From These Courses:

Board members, CEO’s and leadership and management teams of all tax-exempt organizations, including:

  • Nonprofit organizations, including human and social services, education, healthcare, environment, arts & cultures, faith-based and other social mission driven organizations
  • Colleges and Universities
  • Hospitals and Health Systems
  • Business and Professional trade associations
  • Foundations
  • Chambers of Commerce

Most nonprofit organizations have great causes and powerful missions that are being advanced through the efforts of dedicated professionals, yet far too many organizations still struggle to achieve the level of
excellence their mission requires.

One of the key responsibilities of every nonprofit CEO is to engage and motivate their board and leadership team to be passionate about serving their mission and achieving their strategic vision.

As the CEO or Board Chair, you may ask yourself the following questions:

  • How do I engage and motivate my board to be more passionate about our mission?
  • How can I enable my board to gain more self-confidence to more actively participate in our philanthropic initiatives?
  • How do I recruit and develop new board members who can assist me in achieving our strategic vision?
  • How do I develop my leadership team to learn the new competencies needed to achieve our strategic goals?
  • How do I develop an organizational wide leadership succession plan to develop the future leaders of our organization?

These two new online courses will enable your board members and leadership team to learn the skills, competencies and self-confidence required to become a high performing nonprofit organization with the ultimate beneficiary being those you serve.

You can enjoy our online courses at your convenience from home, your office, computer, tablet, or mobile device.

To maximize the benefits these courses, make sure that at every Board and Leadership team meeting, a specific topic from each module is scheduled for discussion and debate throughout the term of your six-month subscription license.

Dennis Miller’s presentation on How to Develop a High Performing Board was a truly enjoyable combination of informative content and open dialogue – with lots of laughs in between. The feedback has been so positive that I have scheduled Dennis to return for another presentation on the Board’s Role in Fundraising at our next Board meeting. I highly recommend Dennis to all nonprofit boards who want to improve their performance.

Christine LaRocca, Esq. Board Chair
Spectrum for Living

Dennis Miller’s course on “How to Become a High Performing Board©” is a wonderful tool for both new and more experienced board members as well as for board chairs. Dennis’ insights, which have developed from his wide experience with both for profit and not for profit entities, provides great clarity to any board member as to individual director responsibilities, and the best methods of enhancing the performance for their boards.

Edward W. Ahart, Esq., Board Chair
Fannie Ripple Foundation

How to Become a High Performing Nonprofit Board

How to Become a High Performing Nonprofit Board©

How to Become a High Performing Nonprofit Executive Leadership Team: Module 6

How to Become a High Performing Nonprofit Executive Leadership Team©