To become a high performing leader, you must develop the ability to identify and manage your own emotions, as well as the emotions of others. It is not just about the knowledge and skill set of an executive power player that truly makes the difference, but their competencies as a business leader with high emotional intelligence, otherwise known as a quotient (EQ). Leaders with high EQ understand how their own emotions impact others.
The power is in the understanding of using appropriate emotions to individual situations to connect and motivate the team. The enthusiastic spirit of the leader cannot help but bring the same positive emotions to everyone on the crew. This team enthusiasm is the strategic component to the underlying success of any nonprofit organization.
The soft skills of integrity, trustworthiness, verbal, and non-verbal communication are all signs of emotional intelligence. The unifying emotion within an executive leadership team can be likened to that of a team sport — with comprehensive, healthy tension between like-minded individuals, agonizing over ‘same game goals,’ inspiring and motivating collaborative teamwork, and continued success to the organization.
3 Moves Leaders with High Emotional Intelligence Never Make
Leaders Never Get Offended. The persons of high emotional intelligence are masters in listening acuity. They can listen objectively to the ideas and thoughts of others without taking such ideas as a personal offense to how they are doing their job. This understanding is due to healthy self-worth coming from within the self, not outside of the person. This self-worth within will never shut out the ideas of others with a slam of a phone receiver, or door, or ostracize others out of the loop of any conversation or discussion. Such ostracizing understood as passive-aggressiveness.
Leaders Never Run From Conflicts Or Disagreements. The emotional intelligence of persons of integrity and trustworthiness never ‘agree to disagree’ for false peace. They are aware of their human feelings, and because of self-respect are not afraid to state when actions are disrespectful, giving a reason for their belief. This clarity is indisputable. Those of integrity, trustworthiness, and self-awareness do not put off until tomorrow, what must be stated now. Emotional intelligence does not take advantage of the human vulnerability of emotions, by poking and provoking. Leaders are forgiving and will not hold grudges.
Leaders Never Deny Their Emotions. Some persons put on a cool demeanor of being above all emotions, to show a superior attitude. This coolness is called stoicism. They seldom show frustration, disappointment, or sadness. Such persons believe this is to be of professional business maturity but only serves to bring a divide of team unity. A strong EQ in a leader understands how to express both positive and negative emotions in an appropriate way that inspires collaborative teamwork.
When it comes to investing in your nonprofit board members and executive leadership team’s success, Dennis Miller has been a long believer in competencies over skills. Discover how you can achieve the level of excellence your mission requires. With just two online courses, learn how you can recruit and develop board members that will achieve your strategic vision.