Search Committee vs Search Firm: What Is Their Role in Finding New Leadership?
Sometimes, a key member of an organization’s senior level leadership will retire, be let go, or move on to another position. However, searching for a new leader is not just about replacing a prominent member but ensuring the new leader possesses the competencies to successfully steer the organization forward. When it’s time to conduct an executive search, many organizations will form a search committee.
Wrongfully, the search committee will advertise the open position on various job recruitment websites and spend way too much time reviewing resumes and filtering through applicants. Instead, a search committee should only be talking to final candidates. This is where the value of an executive search firm comes into play.
What Do Executive Search Firms Do?
An executive search firm, like DCM Associates, can be hired to take care of the leg work, including developing a profile of what your organization wants and needs. Finding a new leader should always be an opportunity to take a fresh look at your nonprofit’s goals. It is up to the search firm to fill the gap of what the leader is leaving behind.
Instead of putting out job postings, a search firm will seek out qualified professionals and present only the best candidates to the search committee. That way, the search committee can interview with real potential and not waste their time.
Read more about the DCM executive search process here.
Which Nonprofit Sectors Can an Executive Search Firm Help?
It’s crucial to work with a search firm experienced in recruiting professionals in your nonprofit sector. At DCM Associates, we specialize in executive leadership search projects representing a wide variety of nonprofit sectors:
- Behavioral healthcare
- Developmental disabilities
- Children and family social services
- Foundations
- Business and professional trade associations
- Faith-based institutions
- Other community building organizations
Which Executive Positions Can a Search Firm Recruit?
Search firms are not only beneficial when you need a new CEO. We can help recruit a chief operating officer, chief financial officer, president, and other key executive leadership positions.
What Happens After the New Executive is Found?
Once the new leader placement is achieved, there should be a well-established and smooth transition process. Unlike other search firms, DCM Associates’ job is not done after filling the position. We help create an onboarding process that ensures the success of the new role and organization.
Work with an Executive Search Firm
After learning about the role of an executive search firm and a search committee, it’s time to take the next step with DCM Associates. We are experts in nonprofit recruiting and onboarding. For a free and confidential phone consultation, schedule an appointment online.