Performance Evaluation Examples & Their Benefits

Performance Evaluation Examples & Their Benefits

CEO Annual Performance Evaluation Examples for Your Board to Review

Leadership performance reviews are an excellent way to identify and reward your CEO and entire leadership team. They communicate key areas of needed improvement to each leader that will help successfully guide your nonprofit organization forward. At least annually, your CEO’s performance should be evaluated by the full board of directors. If it is time to evaluate your CEO’s annual performance, consider the DCM Annual Performance Evaluation.

How Does a Performance Evaluation Work?

The nonprofit’s Board must first agree upon their organization’s goals and CEO’s performance expectations. The actual achievements of the organization and the actual performance of the CEO is then compared to the Board’s goals and expectations. This is done by having the Board respond to more than 25 questions on the following topics regarding the CEO:

  • Overall Organizational Performance
  • Strategic Leadership
  • Board Relations
  • Community Relationships
  • Positive Brand Identity
  • Fiscal Stewardship
  • Culture of Philanthropy

How Does an Evaluation Help Improve a CEO’s Performance?

After the Board submits their responses, a performance evaluation report is put together identifying the CEO’s strengths and any needed improvements. Some performance evaluation example questions include, does the CEO…

  1. Establish and communicate the organization’s strategic vision and develops effective strategies for implementation?
  2. Work with the Governance Committee to ensure that the board is effectively engaging, recruiting, and educating all members of the board for carrying out their responsibilities?
  3. Serve as an effective spokesperson and represents the organization well to its constituents?
  4. Develop a positive brand identity that motivates the entire staff, board, volunteers, and donors to feel pride in our work and to contribute together as a team?
  5. Implement a culture of philanthropy where the CEO, board, and chief development officer each clearly understand their respective roles in raising money?

Together, the Board, CEO, and firm will review the evaluation and establish organizational and performance goals for the upcoming year.

Start a CEO Performance Evaluation Today

The DCM Associates Performance Evaluation includes an assessment and a self-evaluation for the CEO—all for only $975. At our firm, we believe in providing ongoing support as well as real action items for next steps and not simply a performance rating on a scale.

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