Find the Courage to Address Your Internal Challenges

I believe the overwhelming reason most nonprofit organizations fail is the result of not adequately addressing their internal issues. Internal obstacles often include:

  • Lack of trust and respect among senior leadership
  • Stale programs
  • Lack of engaged Board members, some who have stayed far too long
  • Lack of inspirational vision

Do you feel you could benefit from performance coaching?
Would you like to explore such a confidential supportive relationship?
What performance goals or results would you like to improve?

I provide performance coaching through a series of confidential conversations that are designed and conducted to enhance the leader’s well-being or performance. It is a process designed to facilitate thinking or learning new behavior for personal growth or professional advancement. Performance coaching can be very beneficial to those who would like to improve their leadership results.  

If you are dealing with internal challenges of a nonprofit organization contact me today to set up a complimentary meeting to discuss your organization’s internal challenges and how to address them in a professional manner.

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